The Bay Lab
The Bay Lab
Lab Manual
Rachael a Bay
Pushed waves, trailing edges, and extreme events: Eco-evolutionary dynamics of a geographic range shift in the owl limpet, Lottia gigantea
Genetic and environmental drivers of migratory behavior in western burrowing owls and implications for conservation and management
Genomic responses to parallel temperature gradients in the eelgrass Zostera marina in adjacent bays
Historical DNA reveals climate adaptation in an endangered songbird
Widespread gene flow following range expansion in Anna's Hummingbird
Genotype--environment associations across spatial scales reveal the importance of putative adaptive genetic variation in divergence
Identifying, Monitoring, and Managing Adaptive Genetic Variation in Reef-Building Corals under Rapid Climate Warming
A general theory of avian migratory connectivity
Genetic variation reveals individual-level climate tracking across the annual cycle of a migratory bird
Genomic analysis of distinct bleaching tolerances among cryptic coral species
Linking climate niches across seasons to assess population vulnerability in a migratory bird
Persistent panmixia despite extreme habitat loss and population decline in the threatened tricolored blackbird (Agelaius tricolor)
The American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) genoscape: Implications for monitoring, management, and subspecies boundaries
Can genomes predict coral bleaching?
Genomic prediction of (mal) adaptation across current and future climatic landscapes
Characterization of SNP markers for the Painted Bunting (Passerina ciris) and their relevance in population differentiation and genome evolution studies
Parallel introgression and selection on introduced alleles in a native species
Ecological genomics predicts climate vulnerability in an endangered southwestern songbird
Genomic signals of selection predict climate-driven population declines in a migratory bird
Mechanisms of Thermal Tolerance in Reef-Building Corals across a Fine-Grained Environmental Mosaic: Lessons from Ofu, American Samoa
Polygenic evolution drives species divergence and climate adaptation in corals
Genetic Coupling of Female Mate Choice with Polygenic Ecological Divergence Facilitates Stickleback Speciation
Genomic islands of divergence or opportunities for introgression?
Predicting responses to contemporary environmental change using evolutionary response architectures
Transcriptome predictors of coral survival and growth in a highly variable environment
Rapid acclimation ability mediated by transcriptome changes in reef-building corals
A call for tiger management using “reserves” of genetic diversity
Mechanisms of reef coral resistance to future climate change
Multilocus Adaptation Associated with Heat Resistance in Reef-Building Corals
Inference of functional divergence among proteins when the evolutionary process is non-stationary
Recombination detection under evolutionary scenarios relevant to functional divergence