Shreya Banerjee

Shreya Banerjee

Graduate Student


I am a PhD Student in the Bay Lab and the Population Biology Graduate Group at UC Davis, where I am investigating the eco-evolutionary responses to environmental stress in ribbed limpets (cryptic species complex: Lottia digitalis and Lottia austrodigitalis. More broadly, my research interests lie in characterizing the adaptive potential of populations and understanding how marine species will respond to climate change. I am excited about using genomic tools to answer questions that affect conservation and how people can feed themselves from marine resources. I am also passionate about environmental and social justice. Outside of science, I enjoy yoga, dancing, hiking, and napping on the beach.

  • Marine Genomics
  • Molecular Ecology
  • Conservation and Fisheries Management
  • MSc in Marine Biology, 2017

    Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego

  • BSc in Environmental Systems Ecology, Behavior, & Evolution, 2017

    University of California, San Diego