Week 5 Haplotype networks

5.1 Indexing

Today we’ll use the “Arthritis” dataset from the vcd package to learn some functions. Let’s install it:

##   ID Treatment  Sex Age Improved
## 1 57   Treated Male  27     Some
## 2 46   Treated Male  29     None
## 3 77   Treated Male  30     None
## 4 17   Treated Male  32   Marked
## 5 36   Treated Male  46   Marked
## 6 23   Treated Male  58   Marked


R and other programing languages use “indexing” to subset data. Indexing uses the order of entries (for example values in a vector or rows in a dataframe) to isolate particular entries. We’ve already used indexing to subset, maybe without even knowing it. For example, we know the command below gives us the first through fourth rows and the first through third columns. The numbers inside the brackes are called “indexes.”

##   ID Treatment  Sex
## 1 57   Treated Male
## 2 46   Treated Male
## 3 77   Treated Male
## 4 17   Treated Male


We can also use indexing to subet by a certain criteria. The command which returns indexes for all entries that meet a certain criteria. We saw a similar effect last week when we used which.max, but which is a more general command:

ind <- which(Arthritis$Sex=="Male")
##  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

This gives us the indexes of the rows in the Arthritis data frame where the patient was male. If we want to retrieve these rows, we can use that vector to pull out those rows:

##    ID Treatment  Sex Age Improved
## 1  57   Treated Male  27     Some
## 2  46   Treated Male  29     None
## 3  77   Treated Male  30     None
## 4  17   Treated Male  32   Marked
## 5  36   Treated Male  46   Marked
## 6  23   Treated Male  58   Marked
## 7  75   Treated Male  59     None
## 8  39   Treated Male  59   Marked
## 9  33   Treated Male  63     None
## 10 55   Treated Male  63     None
## 11 30   Treated Male  64     None
## 12  5   Treated Male  64     Some
## 13 63   Treated Male  69     None
## 14 83   Treated Male  70   Marked
## 42  9   Placebo Male  37     None
## 43 14   Placebo Male  44     None
## 44 73   Placebo Male  50     None
## 45 74   Placebo Male  51     None
## 46 25   Placebo Male  52     None
## 47 18   Placebo Male  53     None
## 48 21   Placebo Male  59     None
## 49 52   Placebo Male  59     None
## 50 45   Placebo Male  62     None
## 51 41   Placebo Male  62     None
## 52  8   Placebo Male  63   Marked

Note that we could have just as easily done this:


When you do a command like this R finds the indexes and returns the rows for you, without you having to think about indexes. However, it can still be useful to know how indexes work, as we will see in the section today.


5.2 Using table to count across multiple columns

Previously we used the table function to count the number of times each value was observed in a specific column. Today we’ll use the same function to create a matrix of counts across two different variables. First let’s get some data. Install the package vcd, load the library and pull up the Arthritis dataset:

Notice that several of the columns are categorical. That means we can count how many times a certain category shows up.

Before, we made a table with just one column, like this:

##   None   Some Marked 
##     42     14     28

But what if we want to sort by another factor simultaneously. For example, we can see improvement based on treatment:

##           None Some Marked
##   Placebo   29    7      7
##   Treated   13    7     21


5.3 Creating a haplotype network

Today we will use mtDNA sequences from an example dataset to learn to create a haplotype network. The package we will use is called pegas. Install this package and load the library.


We will take advantage of a dataset called woodmouse that is part of the pegas package:

## 15 DNA sequences in binary format stored in a matrix.
## All sequences of same length: 965 
## Labels:
## No305
## No304
## No306
## No0906S
## No0908S
## No0909S
## ...
## Base composition:
##     a     c     g     t 
## 0.307 0.261 0.126 0.306 
## (Total: 14.47 kb)

Notice that woodmouse only has 15 individuals. We want to work with a few more, so we will artificially expand the dataset. We can do this by sampling with replacement using the command sample. Here we create a vector of the numbers 1:15, randomly sampled 100 times. We use that to choose individuals to sample (some multiple times) from the woodmouse dataset:

data <- woodmouse[sample(1:15,size=100,replace=T),]
## 100 DNA sequences in binary format stored in a matrix.
## All sequences of same length: 965 
## Labels:
## No1202S
## No0913S
## No305
## No1114S
## No1206S
## No306
## ...
## Base composition:
##     a     c     g     t 
## 0.306 0.261 0.126 0.306 
## (Total: 96.5 kb)


Now we have 100 individuals! First, let’s make up some metadata that we can use later. You can use the labels function to pull sample names out of data. We will also assign each sample to a random “north” or “south” location.

loc <- sample(c("north","south"),100,replace=T)
names <- labels(data)
meta <- data.frame(cbind(names,loc))
##     names   loc
## 1 No1202S south
## 2 No0913S south
## 3   No305 north
## 4 No1114S south
## 5 No1206S north
## 6   No306 south

NOTE: If we were doing this on real data, we would usually read in the populations from a spreadsheet. Here we just make them up to illustrate how the process works!


When we sequence DNA, some individuals will have the same haplotype. So the first step is to check how many haplotypes there are and which individuals share haplotypes. We do this with the haplotype function:

hap <- haplotype(data)
## Haplotypes extracted from: data 
##     Number of haplotypes: 15 
##          Sequence length: 965 
## Haplotype labels and frequencies:
##    I   II  III   IV    V   VI  VII VIII   IX    X   XI  XII XIII  XIV   XV 
##    6    8   10    8    6    9    8    5    3    9    6    5    7    3    7


In the output you can see the frequencies of each of the 15 haplotypes. Now we want a list of which individuals have which haplotypes:

hapInfo <- stack(setNames(attr(hap,"index"),rownames(hap)))
##   values ind
## 1      1   I
## 2     47   I
## 3     63   I
## 4     69   I
## 5     97   I
## 6     99   I

This command is a bit complicated. Briefly, it takes a list of individuals for each haplotype, and makes a dataframe that tells you which individual has which haplotype. The tricky part is that it returns the indexes of the individuals, not their actual data. Let’s change the column names to make more sense:

names(hapInfo) <- c("index","haplotype")


Now, we can use that index to merge the meta dataframe with the hapInfo data frame:

merged <- data.frame(cbind(hapInfo,meta[hapInfo$index,]))
##    index haplotype   names   loc
## 1      1         I No1202S south
## 47    47         I No1202S south
## 63    63         I No1202S north
## 69    69         I No1202S north
## 97    97         I No1202S north
## 99    99         I No1202S south


Great! Now lets start to make a haplotype network! This is pretty simple in pegas using the haploNet function. Below we plot the network for out haplotype set hap. We use the “freq” attribute to size the circles so that each circle is proportional to the number of samples with that haplotype:

net <- haploNet(hap)

Cool, now we want to add colors. Take a look at the haploNet help page, paying particular attention to the pie argument:



So what we need is a matrix where rows are the different haplotypes and columns are the different locations. We can use the merged dataframe we made above along with the table command to produce this matrix:

pie <- table(merged$haplotype,merged$loc)
##       north south
##   I       3     3
##   II      4     4
##   III     7     3
##   IV      5     3
##   V       3     3
##   VI      3     6

This table shows, for each haplotype, how many individuals come from the north and how many come from the south. Remember, this is completely made up data so we don’t expect any pattern here. Now we can use this to color the circles in the haplotype network, including adding a legend:


legend("bottomleft", colnames(pie), col=rainbow(ncol(pie)), pch=19, ncol=2)

5.4 Homework

  For homework you will create a haplotype network using the mtDNA data from Cliff et al. (2015). Here are the files you will need:

cliff_metadata.csv contains sample IDs along with population information and haplotype inferred within the paper

cliff_mtDNA.fasta contains mtDNA sequences from the paper.  

5.4.1 Homework 5: Write a script that does the following:

  1. Read in the fasta file “mtDNA.fa” and the metadata file “metadata.csv” (hint: to read the .fa file you will use the command read.dna with argument format=“fasta”)

  2. Create a haplotype network (no colors)

  3. Create a table that shows the number of each haplotype in each population

  4. Create a haplotype network (with colors)

  5. Add a legend (this might look messy - that’s okay)